Thursday, March 27, 2014

Protect Your Home from Rain Damage

We've all heard the saying, “April showers bring May flowers,” but while April is having its downpour, is your house protected from any water damage?

Here are some areas you want to check while it’s raining or right after to address any problems that may arise:

Foundation ~ is there a crack or hole that could let water leak into your home?

Exterior paint ~ if there is a bubbling, peeling or cracking your paint you will want to get these spots touched up to prevent further damage.

Gutters ~ debris can easily fall or get blown into your gutters, clogging them. Keep your gutters clean of all the leaves and litter that can cause serious damage to your roof.

Downspouts ~ check these to find out exactly where they are dumping the excess water. Good note of thumb is to redirect the water at least 5 feet from your home or collect and reuse rainwater by creating your own rain barrel.

Basement ~ inspect your basement for any water spots or musty smell. It is common for mold to appear where there was a leakage.

Roof ~ missing or worn out roofing can allow water to seep in your home and damage the roofing structure. Experts recommend having your roof inspected a least twice a year to ensure the quality of your roof.

Is there something we missed? What are some areas of your home that you watch closely?

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