Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Prepare Your Air Conditioner for the Summer

Image found at Green Mom
Though it might not feel like it yet those hot summer months are not too far away. Make sure you stay cool this summer with preparing your air conditioner for those warm months now.  Clear away the debris and allow for at least 2 feet of clear space around your unit for the machine to work properly. It is recommended you check your air conditioner filter at least once a month and change it every 3 months to ensure it doesn’t clog and slow down the airflow.

Another thing to keep in mind, is to check the ductwork around your home to ensure no rugs or furnishings obstruct the airflow. Remember to also check the ductwork that travels through your attic or basement and make sure the seams are sealed.

If you don’t have an air conditioner, here are some tips and tricks for staying cool during the hot months.

Have something to add? Share your thoughts and tips here - we look forward to hearing from you.

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