Thursday, July 3, 2014

Achieve Healthy Lawn With These Tips

Image by Programator2

With the summer months, it is important to keep up on your lawn care. In Utah, most lawns are of the Kentucky Bluegrass Blend. A popular grass, Kentucky Bluegrass tends to be thick and lush with a nice texture and good color.  Some tips to keep a healthy lawn is to fertilize your lawn, mow a weekly basis—allows grass to stay hydrated—and of course water.

Holmes Property Maintenance suggests watering your lawn deeply twice a week which will train your roots to grow deep, creating a stronger and more durable lawn during a drought.

Another great way to achieve healthy lawn is to aerate. It is best to aerate you lawn at least once a year to break up the compacted soil and allow proper circulation of air, water and nutrients in the soil.

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